Hi guys, i don't usually like making posts on people however this has been bothering me a bit seeing as many of my mutuals interact with this person who has overstepped boundaries many times this is not intended to “”cancel”” anyone i just think it should be addressed.
this is regarding @/lesbianeuIa who is very active in systwt despite being a singlet.

i have seen this person participate in syscourse many times even in my own mentions after learning he was a singlet today i thought it only necessary to say something ^_^
purr has repeatedly used singlet as an insult whilst being a singlet and directed it towards someone with DiD in a disagreement which dew should not even be participating in anyways
endogenic systems are a debate and conversation that should only be had by people claiming to be endo systems and people with did / osdd it is not anyone who is a singlets place to comment on this situation
this person has participated in several syscourse threads most of this old one is deleted but you kind of get the gist of what the conversation was about from the other persons replys here once more re-iterating you shouldn't be participating in this discussion if you r a singlet
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