Going on record here: I retract my flippant, dismissive statements about Cuba last month. It was disrespectful to not only Cuban comrades, but to the struggling masses worldwide, particularly those suffering under brutal colonial and imperialist oppression and exploitation.
I apologise to everyone who was offended by my thoughtless, arrogant remarks.

I apologised for this on a stream recently, but it’s unlikely that many people saw that so it’s better to put the word out here as well.
I want to thank the comrades who took the time to engage in principled criticism and show me the errors of my ways. You’ve given me a lot to reflect on and your criticism will help me to be a better ally to the international proletariat in the future.
Oh, and last thing while I’m at it: Yes, the Irish absolutely played a role in settler-colonialism in the Americas.

Fuck colonialism. Fuck imperialism. Fuck white supremacy. All power to the oppressed masses of the world in the struggle for national liberation and socialism 🚩
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