p1harmony as haikyuu characters

– a thread 🏐
everything in this thread are based on my personal thoughts and opinions only. let's start!
theo as sugawara

- gentle looking bois
- silver hair !!
- looks soft u just wanna hug
- can be loud if they want to
- overall gives off the 'good son' vibe
keeho as oikawa

- the sassy mfs
- amazing in what they do and knows it
- listens to sza
- good leaders !
- they be kinda sensitive tho
jiung as nishinoya

- two tone hair !!
- same hair color but reversed
- lively bois
- cute cute cute
- they just give off the same energy to me
intak as kuroo

- handsome and they know it
- tall bois :D
- actually funny kdaksk
- black haired boys are dangerous
- smug
soul as kenma

- the quiet babies
- must protecc
- s h y
- don't talk to them :)
- don't be mistaken tho, they care !!
- actual softies
jongseob as hinata

- orange hair !!
- have you seen their smile? precious!
- suuuper cute
- they can be intimidating tho !!
- must protecc pt.2
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