Obviously right now several people are talking about the mistreatment of artists including one direction and little mix under Syco and Modest management. I also want to bring up Emblem3 , one of my other favorite bands. @EmblemThree @KeatonStromberg @TrueChadwick @wesleystromberg
Emblem3 was on the x factor usa, and was signed to syco after finishing 3rd place. they were fairly successful for about 2 years, up until Drew decided he was going to leave the band and pursue a solo career. they were dropped from syco, but continued to make music on their own
In one of their songs, their “comeback” song Now, one of the lines is “they tried to brand us, without taking the time to understand us, i get there’s a business plan but, that shit damn near broke the band up” a reference to Syco and their mistreatment
Drew left to pursue a solo career, but there was also clashes between him and their management on their creativity within their own music. obviously a similar thing happened with zayn in one direction.
emblem3 were lucky. they may have not been very successful after 2014, but they did things on THEIR TERMS, and had complete control. They got out before Syco could ruin them.
Emblem3, One Direction, and Little Mix are just a few of the many many artists that have been subjected to mistreatment by Syco management and Simon Cowell. We will continue to speak out until there is finally some justice.
i love yall so much. thanks for always putting yourself first and caring about your fans. @EmblemThree @TrueChadwick @wesleystromberg @KeatonStromberg
also: fuck syco management and fuck simon cowell
More evidence if you need it: https://fb.watch/53z8thp3hU/ 
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