what that actually means is
you have no vision
ok will thread now
if you want to hire amazing ppl
hire amazing ppl

don't wait around for ppl with the right skills
to show up

they might be total assholes
This guy: rayton (he's a Nyan Cat Couch)
I rocked up into his team as a wireframe toting
UX designer, and every question I asked,
every time I totally ruined the codebase,
he patiently showed me what to do.
The reason he did this and the reason the team took me on (and sacked the agency I arrived with) was because,
pentacle is not an asshole.

So crypto teams, look for good devs,
with good working practices,
look for the not-assholes
and hire them.
That's it.

Look for the not-assholes.
And hire them.
You can follow @0xpentacle.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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