VBT Meditation 64/112
evameva durniśāyāṁ kṛṣṇapakṣāgame ciram /
taimiraṁ bhāvayan rūpaṁ bhairavaṁ rūpameṣyati/87/
Similarly, on a completely dark night during the dark half of the lunar month, concentrate for a long time on the darkness. One will be propelled towards the form of God.

Contemplation over darkness in the dark fortnight has been recommended because in such darkness, distinct
objects are not visible. So there is nothing to distract the attention.

Here, on a completely dark night, we look at the darkness. It is like looking at a black wall. To transcend the world of form & duality that we are used to, we continuously look at a place that has no forms
or objects. Our sense of self, of separate identity, is dependent on other objects being present. When other objects are present, we see ourselves as different from those objects. Yet, what we are seeing is an illusion. It is an illusion of separateness. We see ourselves as being
separate from other people. How do we break this spell of illusion & see true reality?

One of the ways is by looking at a place where no other forms or objects are visible. When we see nothing apart from us, we no longer remain apart. We become a part of God.
When one cannot see any other object, one's ego collapses. In order to exist, one's ego needs other objects. Just as the mind needs thoughts to survive, the ego needs other objects. Without the support of other objects, the ego collapses. Then, one rapidly moves towards God.
One moves towards one's original state.

Link to the previous methods--->VBT 63 today https://twitter.com/sanjabh/status/1385142431818018817

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