I don't think black racism was ever "almost dead" - didn't take much to reveal it was smoldering under the surface ready to erupt

The frustration of blacks at their failure to function well in an advanced society often expresses itself in violence and hatred for whites, who developed the society in the first place...
Whites have been so deracinated by decades of propaganda and brainwashing that many don't even recognize their own racial identity, and thus are confounded by the reaction of "POC" who are definitely not deracinated.
Furthermore, let's face it - anyone bearing an IQ over 100 knows who put everything in motion, upending civilization as we know it ..look no further than the ju-ice who control every branch of every western government/parliament by and large. That said ....
Black racism will explode in violence as long as blacks live in cultures where they will never 'fit in', unable to assimilate.
Multiculturalism is a fantasy of mostly white conservatives/leftists/neo intellectuals that is a colossal failure because it has nothing to do with reality. All that is accomplished is the debasement and eventual destruction of the more advanced culture, and its people
That this is true is proven in the USA and in Western Europe thousands of times every day. There is a good reason each race had its own continent to live and develop according to its own culture
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