Mughals couldn't install water wheels in even 2% of their wells. Meanwhile the Vijayanagaras were building 100 feet high dams some of which are functioning even today.
Slave-o-phobia, I guess.
Freaking thieves. Fine example of Islamic imperialism:
Thieves were extracting nearly twice the gold from India than what they were extracting from Egypt:
Fools did not know how to construct quality dams, thus were using the century-old working ones built by Mewars:
Mughals kept at least a third to half of the entire nation's GNP for themselves.
Thus it is no surprise that all European travellers complained about the abject poverty and pathetic conditions of the Indian masses:

So much for "mUgHaL eNdIa SuPeRpOwEr"
On a side note, here is what the impression of the Chinese traveller Fa Xian was on the state of the Indian masses under the noble Vikramaditya:
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