lrt that's why i got so pissed off about the 2ha tl drama omfg. i'm a native speaker (sort of hksdf) but even with so many years of learning chinese i still stress about fucking things up when translating and go back to read and reread my tls over and over again
and it's just so disingenuous of someone who's literally only been learning chinese for like. less than a year?? to claim that their tl is a “proper, high-quality" one. leaving aside the also fucked up issue that they only tl-ed certain chapters instead of starting from chapter 1
which ppl have alr talked about. literally the amount of times i've gone over my tls just because i think one word was used wrongly, and getting my friends to help look through (@ everyone in cql server, u guys are the best) and this person thinks they can just. say that????
i stress about 信達雅 so much it's basically my fucking mantra every time i tl now and i'm pretty sure it's the same for every other translator out there because translation, especially when you're using languages that are as vastly different from each other as eng and cn,
is so bloody violent. i feel like i'm brutalising the languages every time i tl, and to see someone whose understanding of the language is so lacking they misread 觸手 as,, tentacles???? and then blame their misreading on the author's word choice?? what the fuck
there's no point to this thread i'm just bitching hskdfjhsdfs pls ignore me
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