Biden Administration consistently lies when questioned about the COVID testing of illegal aliens crossing the border.

I can give you some firsthand exacts on that process. When Biden put a moratorium on deportations CBP was forced to set up temporary processing areas.
The temporary processing areas were set up underneath overpasses at the bridges crossing over the Rio Grande between Texas & Mexico. At first they were just gathered there and put on busses to be given stipend money and released into the public under whatever name they gave
After pressure from the State Capital, CBP began doing biometric scanning of these illegals but still relying on their word whatever name they gave was true. No COVID testing no medical checkup unless they were physically sick or injured.
So biometric scanning is the only accountability take to try and build a database with these cathc and release points. It got so bad that Greyhound began refusing ICE vouchers for illegals because they had no accountable COVID testing.
DHS just turned around and told TSA to do a stand down on COVID accountability for the Airlines and DHC/ICE started dumping them at airports with vouchers for one way travel to whatever town the illegals claimed the had family at.
Its a complete mess. When Jennifer Psake makes the claim that the majority of the illegals aliens are deported she is flat out lying her ass off. Less than 15% are being sent back home. The Donna TX facility is 8 times bigger than it was when Trump was POTUS.
Governors need to band together and sue the hell out of Biden, just like the left did the Trump Administration, Trump had to fight off thousands of lawsuits in his four years in office. The left wasn't seeking solutions they just wanted to gum up the works.
Ive personally been working the South TX region for decades and it's never been this bad and caotic ever regardless of what party held the White House. The Southern Border is a disaster and getting worse every day.
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