At the the manning markets I hear a bloke behind me saying something. I turned around to see he was having a go at a lady that wasn't wearing her mask properly. Odd I thought, as he wasn't wearing one either. So I stopped to see what was up. The stall owners (grumpy old man&son)
were laughing. Others just carried about their business and then he ripped her mask off her face and threw it away. She was distraught. I could not take it just standing there. So I went towards him and told him to back off her and apologise to her. Another man joined me. He
then proceeded to call me a sheep for wearing a mask and I kept getting angry. Almost ready to punch him in the face. But I decided to walk away from it, he then followed us, he was with his wife and still kept having a go at me. I ignored him.
What shits me is that with all this DV and attitude of men towards women no one did anything and he managed to do what he wanted. We as a society enable monsters like him. I saw him again at the fish stall next to the green grocer and he started again
Telling a maskless family how much of a sheep I was and then I took a pic of him a and realised the owner of the stall wasn't wearing one either they must know each other. Anyway needless to say he's upset me but I'm more upset that no one bothers to stand up to people like him.
I have named the stalls they are both at the entrance of the market so that all of you that go there will know what I'm on about 😊
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