The rise in cases are forcing Governments to issue riders to hospitals for stopping non-covid patients getting admitted unless they are emergencies,especially for surgery . However, many cases do not strictly qualify as emergency in true sense but still require immediate care.
Most medical/surgical branches have such cases .For me in Ortho, there are many painful conditions which require inpatient care but are not emergency enough to require surgery. Acute back pain/ joint inflammations/children waiting for surgeries for congenital problems n many such
With 80% beds to be kept for covid cases , these patients now will take the hit & We don’t know till when . Many patients with fractures too don’t seek help or or turned down in smaller centres or treated inadequately ending up with suboptimal function of limbs
Previous lockdown made many such patients develop complications which we were treating till now like nonunion or malunion of fractures etc. I sincerely hope that this lockdown like situation will end soon & we don’t go into one more cycle of morbidity situation
With life threatening emergencies around,we don’t talk much on this set of patients but, they also suffer long term problems . As citizens,please be responsible to reduce covid infections by getting vaccinated/mask so that cancer/ cardio/dialysis/fracture patients get their due🙏🏼
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