theories that i want to speak up against about people who don’t believe l ouis is a dad; a thread
“that it’s all about larry” no it’s not, louis’ closeting has absolutely nothing to do with his relationships. whether you believe in larry or not louis has done obvious queer coding in the past that clearly shows his sexuality. louis being gay has absolutely nothing to do-
with who he may be dating or not. even without larry involved louis would still be closeted! just because most people who don’t believe in babygate (tumblr def) are also larries doesn’t mean the two are connected.
“invalidating a child’s existence” i can tell you right now no one has ever said that the kid doesn’t exist... our entire point is that we think the child isn’t louis’ not that the kid isn’t real. that makes no sense.
“you believe theories over ur fav” i’m sorry i didn’t know that if someone was being closeted they could tell me!! that’s the whole point of closeting, to make sure it remains a secret ffs. he wouldn’t be allowed to say anything even if asked about it directly. i know that-
thinking about how louis lying to us is awful but it isn’t his choice, he would have to bc of all sorts of contracts or legal agreements. it isn’t a choice to be closeted ge that through your mind.
“masterposts are made up and all lies” no they aren’t if you did your research, you would see that what masterposts are, are PUBLIC pictures/videos/articles just put together on a timeline to help show you what happened during that period of time (2015-current)
“we are delusional” first of all don’t say that, it can be very rude to people who suffer from certain mental illnesses. second don’t you realize that it’s been happening for years, decades even, in the industry. elton john, ricky martin, freddie mercury and so many more-
men in the past have gotten married and even had kids with their beards. as much as we all want to believe that the industry is better, there are still too many homophobic people in the world for many artists to be able to come out.
“disrespectful to louis” first how? by looking into PUBLIC events and records that happened during that time? by choosing to look into the obvious queer-coding that louis does instead of his heavily controlled media image? -
by not believing something shown to us and instead researching it for ourselves? by recognizing that louis is heavily closeted and that this is most likely just another closeting technique? by recognizing the inconsistencies throughout the entire situation? -
and people who believe that he’s a dad talk about the entire situation more then we do. and we barely ever mention the kid, this whole situation is focusing on louis’ closeting as an artist and not whoever the child is. -
as we’ve seen recently with the whole “help” song situation louis obviously sees everything that happens on here and has the power to shut them down if he wants/ is able to. if he saw that people thought that his child wasn’t his, which he would bc he follows-
a number of no stunt people, he would shut them down as quickly as possible. he would’ve shut down the theory years ago. it’s just who louis is as a person. he’s also not the type to let his son stay with a trumpet, anti mask/vax family and never visit him.
end of thread. this isn’t meant to be mean or rude in anyway, i’m trying to help others see our pov. please tell me if i should add anything:)
and i just want to add please before you think about replying with hate or a mean comment i’m a real person too and i’m actually really nice so please just think before quoting or replying with something mean. if you don’t agree please just ignore the thread.
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