i support people self dxing adhd and if you think you may have it for whatever reason definitely get it checked out if you can. but also i hate that its become “trendy” like autism and now u have ppl like “omg i got distracted while making my breakfast and i really like playing
video games... i must have adhd” and then start saying random shit that has never been shown to have a connection with adhd at all is a “under discussed symptom”. also hate when they hear their fav creator is adhd and start woobifying them and psychoanalyzing everything they do
i don’t think mcyt fans have any affext on the gneral public perception of mental disorders but its also annoying seeing the response to that be the typical over aggressive contrarian internet bitch thing where they start saying its not a real or severe disorder and that
we don’t face discrimination bc of it, and then just start being completely ableist and suicide baiting ppl. this thread is a mess but its like 4am my phones about to die and i dont want to copy paste the whole thing so i hope its not unbearable :)
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