1. "Feyikogbon," meaning "Learn from this," was a Yoruba drama series aired on NTA 7 Lagos in the 80s.
In one episode, a man facing firing squad for robbery demanded a final request, which was to whisper to his mom. But when his mom brought her ears to his lips, he bit it off.
2. Why? you may wonder. The son claimed the mother was the one who spoilt him as a child and misled him to become an armed robber to ruin his life.

Today, some young Nigerians on social media claim their parents' were the ones who bequeathed on them, today's Nigeria.
3. Whilst I have been vehemently opposing such thought process and commentaries, the balancing sense in me has made me cast a second glance at this claim. "Is it true that the combination of Baby Boomers and Generation X bequeathed a, "failing," Nigeria to Millennials and Gen Z?"
4. As much as those of the two early generations may want to deny, there is an element of truth in this. The Nigeria passed and being passed down to our children is one of bile, distrust, nepotism, corruption and ethnic championing. A Nigeria of short corners, fake news...
5. hollow religiosity, ritualists and anarchists. While some may want to argue that young Nigerians are the guilty perpetrators currently, we must question who their instigators are. Young Nigerians didn't live in a vacuum. They were exposed to this habits by us and our fathers.
6. A nation where over 95% of politicians, decision makers and policy drivers in all tiers and arms of governments are people from 50 and above at every given time since 1999 to 2021, cannot be blaming it's youths for the poor state of the nation. It doesn't make logical sense.
7. Ironically all of these didn't just start today. The youths we call mannerless, indolent or, "Soro Soke," today were introduced to JAMB, "Magic Centers," by who? The lecturers who demanded for sex or money to up their grades in the Unis and Polys were, "us and our fathers."
8. "We and our fathers" were the ones who recruit them as destructive thugs to settle our political and social differences; yet we blame them when they used the same method to negotiate their own demands.

Today, parents bribe their way to enable their kids pass Pry 6 exams.
10. Tomorrow, the same parents will blame the same children they fraudulently enabled to be indolent at a young age for not being, "orderly," and, "resourceful."
They will forget that they themselves set the precedence for their Nigeria of tomorrow.

Truth is very bitter.
11. The, "Feyikogbon," scene I described in the first couple of tweets is figuratively describing us and our Nigeria of today. The chaos we are instigating as the older generation of Nigerians is what our youths are perpetrating. Them blaming us means biting our ears off.
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