This wave will go in a month or so. After that ask your central government why the credit line to SII & BB not released earlier? Ask every state government why did they sit on their ass when the centre was telling them prepare for a 2nd wave?
Ask the High Courts and Supreme Courts is it their job to deal with COVID when lakhs of other cases are pending? Ask the media what kind of fear porn are they selling and can they even read basic scientific papers? Ask these questions to each group respectively.
Everyone just keeps howling & screaming. My school & other whatsapp groups are a place of utter panic & paranoia. I might even leave many groups. Full of panic stricken forwards that add to the chaos. And none of them cared during the 1st wave when the poor were suffering.
And all this bullshit about citizens are to be blamed. Just FYI mask wearing in India would be hovering around 50%. The most "civilized Western nations also hover around 60%. The day people realise some things are inevitable in countries like ours. We can't avoid certain things.
India's density of population is a nightmare scenario when it comes to pandemics. Highly infectious virus will cause havoc here. We stay on top of each other. Don't shame poor people for traveling in cramped buses, trains, and shopping in vegetable markets. They have rights too.
You wear a mask and avoid puvlic places because you can. Social distancing is a f^%king privilege in India you dummies. A huge chunk of our population simply cannot do it. So face the inevitable and stop cribbing. Try to help people.
You can follow @kushal_mehra.
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