Thread about Ganyu's lines and the poor localization/mistranslation. Cuz she's a gentle, socially awkward soul and the world deserves to know
This is a summary from when I called w/ my Water Margin friend at 2AM and she live translated a couple characters w/ me. So please bear w/ me.
In CN she isn't the one to remember she forget to sign it. She hands it to traveler and then traveler is like you didn't sign it? And she's like "my name? I didn't sign it?" and get's kinda embarrassed. She's put together but still quite clumsy
She doesn't ask "is something stuck in my hair" she was asking like "do I have hair sticking up?" as in bed head
Instead of "I want understand more about humans", its more like "please tell me more stories about humans, I want to hear your opinion bc you're like me. I would like to discuss with you". IIRC it's also her asking traveler to tell stories from their journeys
The last line is moreso "I wish to keep working to help keep the prosperity" like she's not in a state of "I'm not worthy". She thinks she is worthy but she has to earn her keep.
This one is hard to translate so I don't blame them, but instead of Bantu she says "Bitter Snow" juxtaposing Ganyu which means "Sweet Rain". it's funny XD
When apologizing its more like "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that". It's the same kinda message but different tone, she's not surprised.
She literally just says "I don't know" in that last bit. which better showcases her keeping secrets. It's implied she does know, but ENG makes her seem like she can't lie or keep a secret at all. Which conflicts w/ how Ningguang trusts her w/ many secrets
She basically just says "you have a job for me? Please write it down" and that's it. Everything the English adds is implied!!!! Stop treating us like idiots!!!
It's not "Do I really belong in the human world?"
It's moreso "do I fit in with Liyue Harbor after all this time?"
Like she knows she could fit in but she's doubtful she's really integrated into society despite all of her contributions. Kinda like imposter syndrome
THIS IS MAJOR MISCHARACTERIZATION. She says "I understand" not "I'll try to embrace it". Qilins are benevolent and peace loving creatures, her "embracing" violence as new way of life directly conflicts w/ her values & heritage. You can understand something but not embrace it.
There's several other lines that just double the length of the CN treating us like idiots like "least fav food" and "About Xiangling" but I won't bother with those
Throughout her lines, it's quite clear she's still v uncomfortable/doesn't fit in even after 2,000 yrs of living in Liyue. She's memorized patterns and scripts to get by in work, but in actual social situations she wouldn't be able to get by.
Hence why she's still at a desk job, where she talks to ppl minimally. Whether or not it's bc/ she knows the ppl she knows now will before her or otherwise, is something idk. But Ganyu is a sweet gal and give her some Qingxin and play w/ CN voice over!
Story quest spoilers
She probably has low self esteem hence why she immediately thinks Ningguang's secretaries' replaced her. She thinks of herself as a replacable in the Qixing ;-; Even though it was played off as a joke every time traveler told her she wasn't replaced, it hurts
forgot to mention this but like she really doesn't talk much. In friendship V or smth she's like "I feel like I've talked more to you than I have in the past 10 yrs combined". She is v socially awkward
Overall her lines weren't butchered as bad as other characters, but the localization shouldn't mess things up like this in the first place. :/ a lot of it was added unnecessarily or changed for no good reason

Idk about her stories tho, I'd have to ask a friend about those
Lin Su, one of the 2 voice directors, voices Ganyu. So this is v accurate characterization. Susu also voice Jean.
My obligatory plug to my other thread about Water Margins refs in Genshin. It's more enjoyable to understand what things are referencing :P
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