Olive Oil and the #Phoenicians
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#Lebanon #Phoenicia #History
The first wave of cultivation and commercialization of olive oil is attributed to the #Phoenicians who were known to distribute olive oil around the #Greek isles as far back as the 16th century BC.
At first, distribution was largely centered around Crete and its surrounding islands, but by the 12th century BC olive oil had made its way into mainland #Greece and Macedonia before passing on to #Egypt.
The #Phoenicians opened up a number of commercial routes all along the coasts of the #Mediterranean Sea and introduced the olive tree to the Iberian peninsula ( #Spain) circa 1,100 BC.
The world's oldest living olive trees are located in #Lebanon.
These trees, called “Noah's Sisters” or “the the Olive trees of Noah”, are thought to be 6,000 years old.
They are claimed to be the source of the olive branch that the pigeon brought to Noah after the flood (according to the #Bible).Noah's sisters are planted at an altitude of 1,300 meters. This makes them the most highly planted olive trees.
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