stray kids as crystals, a radiant thread
this is my own perception and what i felt drawn to the most when it comes to the kids, if any stays are into crystals I'd love to hear how you see them 🥺
bang chan - moonstone

- a healing stone, linked to the moon ♡
- very calming and harmonious
- said to help with insomnia
- opens up the heart and allows you to be more in touch with your emotions and intuition
- reflective surface is reminescent to moonlight
minho - larimar

- love stone that encourages love for everything around us, people, animals, plants, self & work
- emotional honesty & setting up boundaries
- will uplift you and make you feel supported
- attuned to the cooling elements of ocean, encourages peace & calm ♡
changbin - tiger's eye

- stone of patience, strength and determination
- brings confidence, wisdom & is mood uplifting ♡
- keeps you in the best state of mind even in difficult situations
- promotes mental clarity and staying grounded
- unlocks creativity
- live fearlessly
hyunjin - sunstone

- invites you to be open, warm and friendly ♡
- protects against negative thoughts and emotions
- it's energies will make you happy & energized and give you a boost when needed
- originality and inspiration
- self empowerment & confidence
jisung - citrine

- gemstone of light, happiness & thought
- inspires you to achieve your goals and pursuing them
- helps you develop a positive mindset, imparting joy & enthusiasm
- raises self esteem & self confidence, activates creativity and self expression ♡
felix - rose quartz

- universal stone for unconditional love ♡
- opens the heart to trust and love & attracts love of all kinds
- gently emotionally healing, helping you let go of pain
- brings joy, peace & compassion
- brings a sense of warmth and security
seungmin - labradorite

- stone of magic ♡
- legend says labradorite was formed under a night sky during aurora borealis
- brings light & stimulates imagination, mind calming
- banishes fear and insecurities
- strengthens trust in self & courage
- brings out the best in people
jeongin - carnelian

- stone of power & confidence ♡
- awakens curiousity and boosts the courage in shy people
- goal oriented and hard working
- creative stimulation and inspiration
- enhances abilities, awakens hidden talents and gifts
- replaces all negativity with love
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