The dialogue of "it's OK, women can have babies at 40, there's basically no cost to waiting!" is misleading, regressive, and ultimately an excuse to maintain patriarchical structures when it isn't the personal wish of the woman bearing the children
1) not all women, and the risk of early infertility is not negligible when the cost is so high
2) fertility treatments are expensive and in some cases traumatic
3) miscarriages go up and those are deeply traumatic even if common
4) risk to mothers of health problems goes up
5) risk to babies of birth defects goes up (and doubling to "only" 1% is significant when it's literally your baby's health)
6) it's often only necessary because men refuse to change existing systems built for and by them
It feels progressive because it fits into an outdated feminism that asked women to just work as hard as men but keep a working world designed for and by men as is
This kind of feminism is inherently unjust and inequitable. We need to build a world that makes it easy to have kids when *we* choose to, without sacrificing our careers or our relationships
Destroy the patriarchy. Don't become a part of it
Oh 7) every year I wait beyond when I want to conceive is an unnecessary year my child goes without a parent or garndparent!
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