(Okay...I need to get this off my chest and out there.
In the 6+ years I've been in the Twitter rp community I have made a lot of amazing friends, unfortunately I don't talk to pretty much any of them anymore.
Mainly cause overtime they left or, we just stopped chatting, or
and this is the reason for this thread. They started ignoring me out of nowhere. Now it's happening again rn, BUT, it's not the focus of this thread, the focus is to simply explain what's happened in the past with me personally and how I've tried being a
better person. So, being ignored isn't that big of an issue, I'm use too it, what the issue is, is when I'm looking for an answer to a serious question that affects myself mentally. For years my depression has really taken me over, and it puts a lot of bad thoughts
in my head. And multiple times, I've messaged someone about it, someone who I thought was my friend, and they ignore me and leave me on seen, when I specifically ask them about certain issues. It's happened multiple times to me and it fucking hurts each time.
I try to not get close to anyone on here, but unfortunately it happens, and I'm someone who irl, has very very few friends I can talk too, and vent too. And it always seems to me that no matter what I do, no matter how hard I try to be a better person it's not enough.
I still get ignored by people I thought I could trust. My other big big big issue is, and this is something that has stuck with me since the fucking beginning of my time on this stupid bird app, I remember more or less all the details so Imma tell you a true story.
When I first started on here, I was a AJ Lee rp, I ended up meeting someone who was playing as Nikki Bella, we were pretty good friends in character and out of character. We talked about a lot and my depression was slowly starting and I mentioned it and they helped me. Once.
Suddenly, they had issues and I helped them every chance I got, but I one night had a lot of stress on me, my depression wasn't as bad as it would become but it was still a lot and I dmed them saying I needed to vent and at the time I always waited for permission.
They didn't reply, but we're on the timeline, so I messaged them on the timeline asking them to check our messages, and they fucking blocked me.
To this day I don't know why.
Now in the last couple of years it's happened to me twice where someone I thought was my friend,
started ignoring me. We would talk about their issues, but when it came to mine they wanted nothing to do with it. And I'm seriously at a point of doubt about my...I guess friendship skills. So that's it.)
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