TW // csa , grooming , pedophilia , nsfw , predatory behavior

From a victim of grooming and CSA, here are several red flags when interacting with an adult/someone significantly older than you:

I'd like to preface with the most important thing I want y'all to take from this:

DO NOT FEEL BAD FOR BLOCKING SOMEONE. Please block them and don't let them guilt trip you. They are the adult. Your safety and comfort is the priority. You are not responsible for their actions.
Now, let's get into some predatory patterns. They're extremely common and *always* inappropriate, even if they aren't explicitly sexual.
• Demanding all your attention

They'll try to guilt trip you when you stop responding. They'll try to keep your attention on them, and even isolate you from your friends.
• Saying things like "You're special" or "You're mature for your age"

They'll try to make you feel like you're really special to them. They'll try to manipulate you into believing that being with them isn't wrong because you're "different" and "mature."
• Complimenting you too much

This might seem kind of obvious, but our brains try to downplay things like this, so you may not notice it. An adult really shouldn't be frequently telling a minor they're beautiful.
• Try to turn you against your friends/loved ones

This takes time usually. Your friends and loved ones will see the red flags before you do and might try to speak out, and when this happens, the adult may say things like "They just don't get it"/"They don't understand us."
• NSFW conversations, that eventually turn into actions

One awful thing I noticed pedos would always do is start talking to you about masturbation, asking about your kinks, etc. They'll start small to normalize the topics. Then...they'll start sending things, asking for things.
By the way, it's absolutely wrong to discuss anything sexual in any capacity with a minor, so DON'T. Not even a little. Why the fuck would that be okay.
• They'll try to act like they feel bad for having feelings for you because you're a minor. They'll try to downplay how predatory and wrong their behaviors are. Stuff like "This feels so wrong but I can't help how happy you make me" or some similar bs.
• Jealousy

They'll get territorial when you interact with other people. This also ends up with them trying to isolate you from everyone you know, so that they have more control over you.
TW // sh , suicide

• Threats of self-harm/suicide

When you try to leave, they will absolutely guilt trip you into staying, and many times, that will include threatening to hurt themselves.
Might add more as I think of them.

But please, please do not hesitate to cut off predators. An adult should NEVER be emotionally dependent on a minor.
I don't care how mature you think you are— you will STILL continue to mature with each passing day. That is how the brain works. There are countless changes in maturity and personality throughout adolescence. I was not the same person at 17 as I was 18, and so on.
ANYONE who comes into this thread defending pedophilia or grooming will be reported and blocked. Fuck you. I'm not even arguing with your pathetic pedo apologist asses. Fuck off.
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