daisuga does this every single week. they drive to daichi’s parents for dinner every sunday and on the way back suga says this every time and daichi always pulls over https://twitter.com/softshinsuke/status/1385496287676485640
daisuga lazy sundays leading to dinner at daichi’s parents which suga always comes out of even more in love after seeing daichi with his younger siblings which makes suga think domestic thoughts and marriage thoughts daichi is thinking the same thing seeing suga w his siblings
sunday’s are always lazy partly by nature partly bc every saturday they get drinks with their friends that are still in miyagi and anyone home visiting which inevitably ends in one or both of them being sufficiently drunk. it’s very good their apt is only a few blocks away
the extremely intricately crafted daisuga mid 20s daily life headcanons that live in my head rn are making me go insane.
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