exploring relationships in detective conan thread! let's go!
okay first the disclaimers! ill put a cw for ship 'hate' for most canon ships but it's not rlly hate, it's not meant to be negative necessarily, it's just a look into how they're written but yea take care. Also u may think im being incorrect and thats okay! This is my opinion-
and my experience with detco. Though don;t argue im not good at that : ( and also I'll try and avoid putting my personal grievences in this but no promises lol. Also it's okay if u like these ships !! this isn't a hate thread! it's just when i like smth a lot i feel the need to-
anylase/tear it to pieces like this is from a place of massive interest in detco! It's for fun. Okay I'll post this and start on the next part so everyone can read it ^^ this is meant to be light hearted btw dw
PART ONE- WOMEN IN DETCO (i'll write part by part to make it easier)
i think when looking at the relationships in this show it's important to consider how the characters, especially the women, are written in this show. I'll try and make it brief bc it's not the main point of this thread but i think some look in is important. -
A lot of women in detco are written as future housewives- not that being one is a bad thing but we have to take into account that this series is written by a cishet man and aimed towards teenagers (mostly male i think though u could debate that). -
Characters such as Ran and Kazuha are characterised through their strength and independence, but we are made very aware that they will 'settle down' for their respective love interests, ran especially already cleans shinichi's house and is essentially the housekeeper-
for the mouri household, in absence of her mother. We see this in Kogoro and Eri's early relarionship as well- Eri appears to be a stay at home mother, and only seems to work/return to work after they split. Yukiko retires after marrying Yuusaku. All in all we know-
that the role of these characters is to 'settle' down with their bfs. You could also talk ab how their traits tend to be 'dulled' when around their love interests. Ran stops being ran and becomes 'shinichis love interest'- evidence the high school trip arc-
Also ran being emotional/gentle around him isn't a bad thing! It's just that when the situation is about shinichi and ran her character seems to be simplified to a few of her traits and the focus shifts on shinichi. Now there are three characters I wanna briefly mention-
Sonoko- you could say sonoko is a subversion to this however a subversion isn't rlly one when it's punished by the narrative. Yes sonoko is independant and has a loud personality, and is allowed to be several things and her life does not revolve around makoto-
while it does revolve around boys u could argue, it's in a way where they are the ones reduced to objects of pursuit etc. But again, it's punsihed by the narrative. Her apperance is insulted multiple times, and her intelligence, and her relationships with makoto (who states that-
it's her fault she gets almost murdered when they meet, because of what she was wearing) is meant 2 show that she is immature and a silly rich girl-we can tell because a lot of the prior points are thought through by conan, who is the character a cishet male audience is expected-
to somewhat relate to. Also due to shinichis nature we have to assume what he says is right unless a joke or proven otheriwse- and sonoko herself mentions she isn't that pretty in comparison to ran.-
masumi is also a subversion who isn't really a subversion. She is allowed her own personality even around men such as shinichi, doesn;t have a clear cut love interest, and has intelligence on par with shinichi. However the narrative constantly questions her womanhood to make up-
for this. She is not allowed to be both at once- she is either a good female character or on par with a male character-he rbeing the second one means we must constantly be reminded that she is not a Proper Woman and that her 'flaw' is her expression of femninity, which is-
critcisied by other female characters. Next one is Ai, however this will b short. Because her and conan are probbaly not endgame, there is more room to show equality in their relationship, because she does not 'threaten' him. Though they found a way to show housewife tendencies-
by how she treats agasa sometimes which is odd?? it wouldn't be worth mentioning if the series itself didn;t point it out that she is like a mother/naggy towards him. But you could debate ahainst that, just thought it was worth mentioning. Okay onto the next part
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