1. 2 years ago this month, I wrote to @R_Denhollander and @JJ_Denhollander. I didn’t know I was asking for help. But I knew I was trapped. I told them I would be attending the 2019 SBC’s ERLC Panel on sexual abuse. 2 years ago, this month, I was believed for the first time.
2. At this point I was going back and forth from living in my car to 2 of my abuser’s home. I was working 3 jobs saving up money for the SBC . I was still trapped... and then 3 years ago, @JJ_Denhollander responded. I’m very weepy today. As providence would have it, we’d learn
3. That we had attended the same church a few years before. Because of @JJ_Denhollander taking the time to respond to me, I have named my abuser to police and the public. I have been able to fight harder than I could’ve alone for my family. I have escaped the abuse. I have
4. Met with and challenged leaders and institutions knowing I am not alone. I have gone through treatment. Moved States. Started school. Found a new church. Received thousands of DMs from other survivors. I’m safe. Because of one person’s decision to care. I’m free.
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