It's so sad, we went to get new controllers and these two girls and their white boyfriend show up at the (games store) a mess... call one pink slippers and the other crocsbut you could tell both girls just threw on his jackets, I'm dressed up and they looking at me crazy
And crocs starts just holding her (fucking ugly ass basic) white boy and making him put his arms around her, and pink slippers giving me the stare down, both girls just eyeing me weird while me and ray are just talking with the store clerk about how theres no ps4 controllers.
They keep staring funny, and I just side glance like "damn you guys really can't afford clothes", until another couple with the cutest matching outfits come in, the girl has these butterfly sunglasses that were pink and they had Hawaiian shirts, they were so cute
So crocs and pink slippers just both look down at themselves, all ashamed and shit, so crocs tries to use her man to cover herself up, and pink slippers literally unzips her fucking jacket, and that's when I realized, THESE GIRLS WERE NAKED UNDER THE JACKETS
No bras, no pants, no shirts like WHO LET YOU OUT THE HOUSE LOOKING LIKE YOU CAN'T AFFORD A DAMN SHIRT? Needless to say, basic bitches need to just stop being lazy, please cover your coochie before you go outside.
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