was having a conversation with a couple of friends and i got stuck at , if God is all knowing, that means he knows all those who would make it into heaven and those who wouldn’t .

i think God been all knowing is not limited to humans , but as the universe as a whole .
albert Einstein was spot on when he tried to explain the big bang theory . he said , God does not play dice with the universe . humans make just 0.01% of life on earth , not just the universe . so when we say God is all knowing , i think it goes outside humans to the universe .
Einstein’s theory proves that the universe is not a series of random events , it actually consist of a series of events in an order . the creator is not actually playing dice with the universe , there is a series of pattern . the creator and He alone knows the pattern .
and only he can tell what will happen tomorrow .
so me personally whether i would go to heaven or hell , it could be 0.000000000000000001% , it is irrelevant to the pattern the universe chooses , the future is already planned , and that wouldn’t change anything .
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