Something I frequently see that I want to address: Why don’t you just buff other legends to be as strong/fun as Octane/Wraith/Horizon?

There are a couple reasons: (1) “fun” is subjective, and (2) power creep. (1/9)
Many players associate fun in Apex with the unparalleled movement mechanics and sweet, sweet gunplay. Offensive legends tend to reward players who actively look for these things. It’s no surprise their pick rates are high. (2/9)
However, if every character was cut from the same cloth as Octane/Wraith/Horizon, I bet Apex would soon start to feel much different. Lines between character classes are somewhat blurred, but recon, support, and defensive options appeal to a wider audience (3/9)
and are a big reason why engagements are so dynamic over the course of a match. Believe it or not, there are plenty of Crypto mains out there that aren’t gunning for an ALGS title, but rather enjoy patrolling around in the drone and supporting teammates in that way. (4/9)
Similar deal with Rampart; I’ve heard plenty of ideas for a reworked passive that would probably make her stronger, but for a minority that just loves the LMG fantasy (even pre Spitty szn), something is lost when LMGs are so longer special in her hands. (5/9)
For diehard offensive-minded players, is there anything we could do to make Rampart appeal to them? Probably not without buffing her abilities to the point where we start to look like Fortnite with walls and Sheila is three Spitfires taped together. (6/9)
Besides being OP, we wouldn’t want to go that route anyway because pushing every fight isn’t a priority for many Rampart mains. Disclaimer: I’m speaking in general terms here; I don’t mean to insult the sweaty 4k 20 bomb Ramparts out there. (7/9)
As someone who plays a part in Apex balancing and plays this game every day, I don’t hate fun. What does concern me are outliers that run the risk of becoming repetitive and tiresome if they’re too strong, or vanish off the face of the earth if they’re too weak. (8/9)
I contributed to Octane’s pick rate; he was my main man this split. Part of the job is acknowledging bias in my playstyle preference and using a critical eye to look at what’s best for the longevity of Apex. And although Octane would disagree, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. (9/9)
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