Speed graphs>>> Value graphs: A Potential Thread - I have a lot to say.
Listen, when starting after effects, a beginner will look on YouTube for tutorials and more than likely the YouTuber in question will use VALUE graphs. Why??? “They’re easier to control” but I don’t believe that... atleast not anymore...
You see, the easier to control thing is very useful to a beginner - however I find value graphs very sensitive. All you have to do is move your stem/yellow knob ONE MILLIMETRE☝🏽 and you’ve changed the speed of the transition completely.
Now now, I disliked speed graphs when I first started after effects - simply because I had a very warped and unusual perception of my edits. I thought more movement = smoother edit BUT not in the way I thought.
I thought that looser graphs = smoother edit - WHICH IS TRUE WHEN YOU LOOSEN YOUR GRAPH CAREFULLY!! However, as I said, value graphs are super sensitive therefore loosening it will just make the edit slower and with little movement!
I forgot to mention, I disliked speed graphs because they were not as sensitive as value graphs. I know using the word sensitive is rlly weird but like - speed graphs are generally harder to control.
But once you get the hang of it I promise you the smoothness (despite the weird look of the graph) is just... *chefs kiss*
I shall continue this thread tomorrow🤗❤️
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