Biden's "50% by 2030" pledge would require outlawing most of our reliable fossil fuel electricity and mandating mostly unreliable wind and solar electricity. This would destroy American industry, impoverish American consumers, and jeopardize American security.

Energy schemes around the world based on “unreliables”—wind and solar—have been driving up electricity costs, harming economies, destroying domestic industries, and harming consumers. Germans pay 3X US electricity prices to get about 1/3 of their electricity from solar and wind.
Instead of learning from the failures of unreliable energy schemes, Joe Biden's pledge to eliminate 50% of our CO2 emissions by 2030, while doing nothing to decriminalize reliable nuclear power, means mandating unreliable solar and wind for almost all our electricity.
Here's more detail on how politicians, including Joe Biden, make it impossible to build new nuclear, and are actually shutting down perfectly good existing nuclear plants.
Joe Biden says that forcing Americans to rely on unreliable solar and wind will create jobs. But making electricity unreliable and unaffordable doesn’t create jobs, it destroys them. Just ask the UK aluminum industry, which “green energy” schemes are driving out of business.
Here's more detail on how mandating unreliable wind and solar creates "green joblessness."
Joe Biden says that forcing Americans to rely on unreliable solar and wind will help middle-class Americans. But the cost of energy affects the cost of everything. Skyrocketing energy costs will drive skyrocketing food, housing, healthcare, and transportation costs.
America is already too reliant on unreliable solar and wind. That’s why we're having increasingly disastrous blackouts in my home state of California as well as in Texas, where pro-wind policies defunded reliable and resilient power plants.
Here's more detail on how "green" policies that reward or mandate unreliable electricity from wind and solar caused this winter's Texas blackouts.
Biden’s plan to force Americans to use unreliable solar and wind won’t stop global CO2 levels from rising, because China and others won’t be stupid enough to follow suit. The only thing it will bring about is an economic and security crisis in America.
The real crisis in the world is lack of energy, which afflicts billions of people who can't live modern lives. That's why the Paris Agreement is immoral for trying to outlaw fossil fuels, which means outlawing the only way to provide affordable, reliable energy for billions.
Fossil fuels and energy freedom have been making America and the world a better and better place to live. Don't let our politicians reverse that progress.
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