The NPA shenanigans will be, in the end, a perfect example of the folly of trying to apply entryist tactics to a brokerage party
The function of the NPA in Vancouver politics, so named, is to serve as a clearing house for small-L and small-C liberal and conservative politics and to diffuse internal conflicts on the centre-right so as to hold power
It’s ability to do this is what has given the NPA staying power. What the goons who packed the board in the last cycle have done is fundamentally break this model, to create conflict and discord instead of negotiating it
So it will be no surprise that without this brokering institution, the centre-right will come apart, probably to the benefit of Mayor Stewart
This sort of move to raw power play away from brokerage was seen in the last cycle, causing the spinoff of the Young and Bremner parties that likely prevented the NPA from taking a winnable election, but...
The board at that time at least had the sense to to fulfill their traditional role and select consensus-oriented slates of candidates, which the current more reactionary crowd seems to have disregarded
The NPA brokerage formula is extremely effective in ruling the city, but what tends to beat it has always been a centre-left brokerage party, though these are not as durable -TEAM, Vision etc
But the success of the District Labour Council in brokering the left and centre as well as splitter campaigns have meant that the NPA formula hasn’t worked in 12 years, so no surprise that there’s less appetite for it
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