Groundhog day/Call to arms as Government tries to slip/railroad another major decision!This time a major #MarinePlan activities & uses, without adequate measures to ensure areas important to 🐳🦭🐟🐬🦈🐙🦪🕊️🦅🦤 & 🏊‍♀️🌍 are protected. 🤨it's another long thread👇 #MarinePlanScandal
So if u want Marine #renewables to work & be done right without thrashing #nature and don't want to see all the errors on land duplicated at Sea: Shout #STOPMarinePlanVotingScandal #MarinePlanScandal #NMPF @whittledaway @iwdgnews @antaisce @iwdgnews @nifainshore @SeasAtRisk Why?
We think of Ireland as small.Wrong.We're one of the biggest countries in Europe.Our Marine estate is 10 times that of our land That's an asset but also a big responsibility we have a duty to manage properly & protect across all the competing interests - lawfully because ....
- it's not up to us. The deep blue #sea is governed by new EU laws,light years ahead of the way we've done planning on land. Many #eNGOS & #coastal interests see Ireland's response to those laws & #MarinePlan #NMPF as v poor😟We've ignored instructions & what we were to produce
Instead of letting the homework be commented on @DarraghOBrienTD @JackChambers & Gov tried to push for it to be approved by motion with NO Dáil debate,as they did in Seanad,even b4 Oireachtas Comtee can vote on whether they want to hear 1st from #eNGOs @NIFAinshore Smell a🐀?
Bear in mind that Oireachtas Comitee issued a rpt just in Feb on #marine bill with recommendations to #BeefUpMarineProtections So it's hard to see how @stevensgreen1 @fnduffy & others in JOC HLGH could credibly turn a blind eye to this flawed plan with such bad protection so ...
To spare blushes in JOC HLGH & ALL who should be concerned for #coastalcommunities #sustainabledevelopment- they're trying to push Dáil vote through to approve #marineplan b4 the JOC can vote in PUBLIC session about hearing from others on their concerns on the plan #NMPF.
We all want to see #marinerenewables developed responsibly but @swanireland @irishwildlife @coastwatch_ire & others really concerned. This #marineplan matters. It's not just a boring legal dry thing we can😴over. Gasp in awe.This is about their survival 
Irish waters are very important for #nature #whales #dolphins #Porpoises.The noise we make when we do seismic surveys in the sea 4 various developments can kill them, or they can be tangled in fishing gear You've winced at the images act to prevent it #STOPMarinePlanVotingScandal
The #Marine plan #NMPF & the marine planning & development bill need to be improved & brought in line with standard required by EU #MaritimeSpatialPlanningDirective #MSPD #MarineStrategyFrameworkDirective #MSFD
But Ireland want's to leave #MarineProtection to Paddy last #MPA So:
Please add your voice #StopMarinePlanVotingScandal
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