Ive never understood why people want Astrologers to drag your chart, read you to filth, etc. If y’all want that you can download Co-Star who will way the most out of pocket and hurtful shit. Birth Charts and divination should be empowering and treated with care, not degradation.
Like, why do you want someone to tell you and call you out on your bullshit in an aggressive way? Honesty without compassion is violence, and compassion without honesty is manipulation. Astrology is meant to be empowering, not make you feel like shit.
Using Astrology in this way can be very harmful, and I dont think thats the goal of Astrology. Even when dealing with heavy topics in Astrology, I personally feel uncomfortable for looking what could time traumatic events in a chart because Im not here to tell you this was meant
to happen. Im not here to tell you that your assault, trauma, abuse, or whatever it is being something that was written in the stars and meant for you to happen, because it’s not. No one deserves that. Your trauma shouldnt be reduced down to reading you to filth thro Astro.
Sure people can have rough transits but why do we need to be aggressive about it? Astrologers are already in positions of power because people believe that they have the answer to their fate and life path, whatever that means: use that power with integrity, otherwise it harms.
I dont know. I just feel like a lot of people get off on triggering other people and use divination as a form of doing that, and I think its important to know that Astrology doesn’t harm, people harm. Finding an Astrologer is like finding a therapist, one who understands you
and someone who can treat you with care and actually listen to your problems, hold space for you, what you’re feeling, and where you’re at in life rather than cause harm and make you feel bad about yourself.

Thats not Astrology.
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