Teaching youth basketball...a thread.

Five ways to get better faster, have more fun & be a good youth coach.

#SAVI Basketball - practical wisdom.
1. Normalize discovery.

Kids want approval, so they want to do it right.

They ask lots of questions and coaches love answering questions. Stop. Encourage experimentation & failure.

Learn by doing even before full understanding.
2. Teach less - Debrief more

Just tell them the rules and get started. Get them active more, share a clear objective and get them started quickly.

In the debrief, focus on celebrating actions you want to see repeated. Improvement time is cut in half.
3. Call your shot via @Doug_Lemov

Prepare them for an obstacle they are about to face.

Give them a moment to decide how they will respond to losing, pain or failure.

Then let them lose. They must experience that obstacle. Mistakes don't lose games, mistake responses do.
4. Score everything

Competing is a skill. Learning to lose is a skill. Do it over and over. Play to a low achievable score in nearly everything. Gamify it, teach them how to act when they win and they lose.

Drills that drag on with no end are executed with low energy stink.
5. Repeat & Repeat

Youth needs less things taught and experienced many ways.

Take catching, do a deep catch game where they need to judge balls in the air. Play to three catches. Then play to three scores, where they catch then have to score a lay in. Then add defense, repeat.
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