To help everyone warm up for Sandstorm and see Ewan O'Meara's new world, let's go on a tour of the Centre and its sections!

Spoilers abound for Emissary, but you can read up at . Or, if you preorder Sandstorm, DM me for a free copy of Book 1!
The first section we'll visit is Caretaking. In many respects, it's the most vital section, because without it, the Centre would have no reason to exist.

If the info card inspires any questions, please do ask away!
Next stop: Engineering, also known as the Hole among the more relaxed staff. The moles (engineers) are experts at following blueprints and copying things, but Kate O'Meara's determined to teach them some Veridian-style innovation.
Scouting was the first section to encounter the Locusts. One camel was destroyed by the nomads, prompting Tree's log-in to Veridor. By the time Ewan reached combat readiness half a year later, a second transport had been destroyed.
Next up on the section tour is Nutrition. Keeping the staff fed with no arable land isn't easy, but this section also has to provide sustenance for 120 million players. And now that some have started to log out and complain about the food, Chief Spencer has had it!
Medical is possibly the section Ewan spends the most time in, after logging out. Thanks to him and his fellow players, Chief Nichols' days are full of excitement!
Ewan's got a love/hate relationship with Programming. On the one hand, his best Central friend and sparring buddy is the chief. On the other hand, the guy who used the Diamond Lord's avatar to murder a bunch of players also works there.
One section Ewan can't get along with is Security. Whether it's rank-and-file guards who tried to kill him for being a player, or the chief who keeps Ewan's fellow Veridians locked up--for fights the Centrals start--Ewan thinks even the Church's Swords would do a better job.
Ewan was actually the first chief of the new Defense "section", but after a disastrous encounter with the Locusts, the Centre's Director reassigned the leadership to one of Ewan's best students.
Last (and least, in terms of size) is the titular Emissary section. Ewan and Tree work to reconcile their two worlds--no small task, since most Centrals would rather see the players returned to the game floors, and many players treat every Central as a hated Gem of old.
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