Alex Berenson is tweeting today about the death of a baby following his mother’s vaccination.

This is based on an ‘authentic, highly detailed’ VAERS report.

Sounds scary.

Until you look at the report a bit closer, and understand how VAERS works...

The report says the baby died from a rare allergic reaction on 18th March, after his mother was vaccinated the day before.

There are some date errors (year = 2020) - a warning flag that this might not be what it seems

A follower replied that the case had been reported on Facebook by a friend of the family.

In this version, the friend is posting on 17th March - the baby died on the 16th, and the mother was vaccinated on the 10th

Turns out had been an FB post that had gone viral, to the extent that USA Today looked into it

Written by Caitlyn RN, the post used a photo of another child, which it looks like she was called out on

One of the things that USA Today picked up was there was no VAERS report
Given how VAERS works (anyone can file a report), it’s totally possible that Caitlyn could make up a story for Facebook, be called out in it, then write a VAERS report to give it more credibility

Which then ends up in the hands of Alex Berenson, who tells you it’s authentic
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