My honest thoughts and review of FATWS here’s a thread:
FATWS was a 10/10 show to me sorry Wanda Vision you might have made me have good times but this is not about memories or good times
This is about the story how it perfected it and stayed aware of what the reality is of being part of the governments we’re in
Let’s get to the unimportant stuff then to the real deal
Seriously, the jokes were good but we can’t deny it Zemo got the moves
Now let’s talk for real this show proved everything to everyone that it was about race and it did well in giving that message from start to finish
Now with Ep 1
Half of the world taught why did Sam gave up that shield he didn’t had to? Well seeing ep 2-6 showed us why and gave us the answer we needed why he did what he did especially ep 1. And it was enraging how they gave it to someone else
Ep 2: here’s we’re we learn how Bucky is trying to better himself since ep 1 and we learn the new cap is just the governments lacky since no one will accept a POC as Captain America now keep this in mind in this thread later on
Sam gave up the shield because he knew that the world was never gonna accept someone who was not Steve Rogers. A black man holding a white man’s shield people are so quick to judge
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