Bhakts are in an abusive relationship with Modiji. Political parties are public servants. These public servants have just built the world’s tallest statue who by the way banned their political daddy; on a crumbling nation.
#ModiHataoDeshBachao #ModiMadeDisaster
You’ll seem to be so blissfully blinded by Modi’s glare. The nation is being torn to pieces, your temple is being built and yet you all are running towards destroying a mosque for new temple now. When will your thirst for blood quench? #ModiAbandonedIndia #ModiHataoDeshBachao
Farmer’s are protesting because your PR man has generously filled Ambani’s and Adani’s pockets. These billionaires don’t care about you, bhakts, worship them as much as you like, THEY WILL NOT BAT AN EYELID IF YOU WILL NEED OXYGEN TOMORROW. #ModiAbandonedIndia #ModiHataoDeshBacha
A nation which is struggling with healthcare, all you do is sing praises of the shit Yogi and shittier Modi-Shah.
HOLD YOUR GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABLE. They are not your own people, it’s not that difficult. #WhoFailedIndia #ModiAbandonedIndia #ModiMadeDisaster
Modi and Shah have pushed people to a certain point where people have reached a place beyond fear. The world is watching them, killing the nation, depriving states of oxygen and medication who did not vote them to power. Howl all you want. #ModiMadeDisaster
Your dear dynamic duo is only busy advertising themselves in every election state right now. That’s how little they care about your life, as they are fully vaccinated while YOU. ARE. NOT. If your political perspectives causes you to abandon humanity, I have no words for you.
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