My biggest problem with Henry since the beginning is her mixed messaging - she’ll take an oddly strong stance on one thing (contradicting larger science news), then a non-comital one on others.

I’m wondering how much our good 2020 start was down to luck vs. the management
It’s been clear to me since September last year that BC’s pandemic response has been continually mishandled, yet because the public fell in love with Henry there’s been very little scrutiny compared to elsewhere

Lots of people rush to her defence with even slightest questioning
The thing is I can’t imagine how difficult this job is for anyone! So many people to try and keep happy, including the rest of the government and various business associations at the same time as trying to protect the public in an ethical way.
Still, I’ve lost more and more confidence as time has gone on and 2021 has just smashed it.

Especially given how high risk and vulnerable disabled and others with existing conditions have been left out of the vaccine plan entirely.
Ideally it’d be good to see them take responsibility and admit when they get things wrong, but even that’s a knife edge - it’d be good for people like me who value that and see it as trustworthy but bad for people who it’d destroy their confidence to see someone admit mistakes
At the very least though, I hope to see more people talking about this far-too-slow, far-too-soft responses.

Even with masks we lagged so hard on mandating them, then when we did the advice was out of date with everywhere so we have people even now wearing really subpar masks
By the time BC finally mandated mask wearing, the Canada’s health agency was very clear that it needed to be multi-layered and of particular materials to really do much

Then only a couple weeks later they moved to recommend double masks + outdoors, we still don’t see that in BC
Sure, Henry has said a few times during her addresses (and allowing gatherings outside of 10 đź‘€) that people should remain masked and distanced even outside... do you think most people watch these closely anymore??
Beyond this, updating the official websites is one thing, I wonder how many even read those or would just rationalize what they want to do anyway because they’ll be able to find info online that works better for them.
Anyway, the real point is this wishy-washy mixed messaging, the stubbornness of not getting on board with the wider scientific community because the local one they employee doesn’t give them that same info?

It’s the same reason (imo) many vulnerable people & communities were deprioritized in vaccination - many times she said “we don’t have the data to show this”- but the data exists elsewhere!! There comes a point where you have to realize - maybe because you didn’t collect it 👀
Very early on hearing “we’re in this together” over and over turned my stomach. As I wrote last year - we’re in it together... until we’re not

(& I’ve written before about how broken BC’s medical record keeping is & potentially why they didn’t track data on health factors)
It’s quite possible though, that when she says “we don’t have the data to back that up” what she’s actually doing is justifying the actions and decisions they’ve undertaken based on various priorities they won’t admit to (economy being one$$, staying in favour another)
Don’t get me wrong, I get why both examples could be prioritized - staying in favour is important for stability & compliance, if economy crashes harder more ppl will be vulnerable to more issues (opioid crisis being most severe one!). So, yeah, I don’t envy the job at all.
Having said that, there’s this nagging feeling I can’t rid myself of - in BC business has been top priority forever. BC Libs were the same, why would we expect NDP to be any different?

Every time the business associations throw a public strop they’ll walk things back or “adjust”
The poor and inconsistent information + out of date with world science/advice is just the tip of the iceberg imo

Sure, we might not be contending with conservative leaders here, and no one will be perfect in state of emergency... I still feel increasingly failed by my government
This thread might be a bit too local, but I feel Western Canada’s crisis is overlooked.

One thing they’re relying on (too hard): Alberta & BCs healthcare was a bit more robust & healthy coming into the pandemic. (Just about - we still have our problems)
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