UPDATE! I dissected Ken. But I also made a horrible mistake and didn't get a picture (phone battery died, sample dried out while I tried to get charged etc etc). But! I can tell you what I saw! I think (?) Ken had testes -- BUT they looked like very early pupal testes and HUGE 🧵 https://twitter.com/Amelia_Lindsey/status/1385385767426576390
He had two especially large ~1-2days post pupation looking shaped beans, but they took up basically all the space in the abdomen. Shape looked exactly like the line drawing "A" from this paper https://journals.biologists.com/dev/article/143/2/329/47405/A-new-level-of-plasticity-Drosophila-smooth-like
Accessory gland looking stuff seemed to be present, and it looked like perhaps the vas deferens had not yet formed.
I'm kicking myself for not getting the photo, because I was (am?) truly shocked at how large they were. Each one was ~1mm long. It seems they kept growing but didn't differentiate/elongate/coil as they normally would.
I promise I will do better next time I come across a SmoothMale™️
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