It’s galling yet not surprising that conservatives keep using Barack Obama’s presidency as evidence somehow that America isn’t racist. He lost the white vote by double digits in 2008/2012.
Sure, white people rejecting Obama doesn’t necessarily mean they’re racist but you can’t also pat yourselves on the back for his victories.
In 1988, Mike Dukakis won 40 percent of the white vote and carried just 111 electoral votes.

Obama whooped McCain’s ass with just 43 percent of the vote. He decisively beat Romney with 39 percent.
Gore had 42 percent of the white vote in 2000, Kerry 41 percent in 2004.
The key difference is the shrinking white electorate. White people haven’t changed. There are just fewer of them. It’s why Tucker Carlson is embracing “great replacement theory.” The whole Fox News primetime lineup warns about immigration for this reason.
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