so you crush the global south through debt, stealing resources, exploiting labor, dictating austerity and privatization, keeping them from developing their economy.

then the huge pharmaceutical monsters refuse to make their vaccines more available.

colonialism has never ended.
this is not a radical left demand, it's the absolute bare minimum

"Intellectual property is the utmost artificial barrier to global vaccine supply.“ - Joseph Stiglitz
this is a nonsensical argument that is pushed by the pharma lobby.

firstly, the TRIPS waiver is a temporary measure for a once in a century pandemic

secondly, government funding has been significant for this vaccine, eg Moderna was almost entirely funded by the US government
patents didn't contribute much to the speed of vaccines development

lastly, sharing technology with low- & middle-income countries is standard practice for many drugs & has been shown to work just fine

even bill gates doesn't use this argument anymore
less than 2% for Africa
"yeah but do you want those generic pharma companies to make profits instead?" i don't fucking care, just go and save human lives ffs
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