C'mon @ikesen_en and @cyikemen_en, give @FluffyPorcup1ne a chance and actually listen to her complaints instead of just blocking the problem away.
This isn't some random internet drama, it's one of your customers expressing her frustration on a service that isn't worth her money anymore. And to be honest, most of the things she's asking for are quite simple and easy to do
and if for some reason you can't do any of them, at least us know why. If it's a good reason, we will understand. A great deal of people are dissatisfied with the current state of Ikemen Series,
but they won't talk about it directly to Cybird because they know it's unlikely that you will listen. It's a fact that since the international release of A3!, the quality of your other games, especially Ikemen Sengoku and Ikemen Vampire, has decreased drastically
but we're expected to pay more on a product that only becomes worse by the hour? If the English games had the same quality and content of the Japanese ones, we'd gladly spend generously on them
That's all we're asking for. The same dedication you show on your Japanese games. The same quality service and most of all the same content. It's not difficult. It's what other otome game companies do.
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