On Thursday, I played a news “report” from NPR’s “Up First” morning show on the police shooting death of Ma’Khia Bryant in Columbus, Ohio. It’s a textbook example of leftist media advancing a predetermined narrative that’s ripping the nation further apart. 1/
Near the beginning, NPR mentions that the Columbus Police Dept. released the 911 calls from the Ma’Khia Bryant case. But NPR never mentions that in the call a woman tells the dispatcher someone is “TRYING TO STAB US,” with people audibly screaming in the background. 2/
Later, the NPR host says: “She was involved in a fight on Tuesday.” Which, of course, makes it sound like a little playground scuffle. They don’t mention that Bryant was swinging a knife at people until later in the report. 3/
The NPR host says the police officer who shot Bryant has "been on the force JUST since December of 2019.” NPR’s implication clearly being that he’s only been on the force a little over a year, so he made a rookie mistake, and this is all on the cops. 4/
Then comes the worst part of NPR’s report. The host asks if there are other “incidents” that make citizens “concerned.” The reporter answers: “There have been quite a number. The Columbus Dispatch reports there have been five killings of black people by police just since May.” 5/
NPR makes it sound like Columbus has an epidemic of racist police mowing down black people. But they give NO context for any of these incidents. In one case, an armed man (w/ warrants out for his arrest) was ordered 85 TIMES by officers to put his hands on his head… 6/
…before an officer tried to tase him. Instead, the man fired a shot at the officers, then they shot and killed him. In another of the 5 killings NPR alludes to, a man wanted for trying to shoot his brother led police on an hour-long high-speed chase on an Interstate… 7/
Eventually the wanted man drove into oncoming traffic, hitting two other vehicles head-on. The man exited his car and shot at police. Two cops returned fire that killed the man. 8/
But NPR did not include ANY of those relevant details. Like the rest of corp. media, all they want you to hear is that “there have been five killings of black people by police just since May.” That phrasing is unfair and completely dishonest. 9/
When every police shooting incident like this can now cause days of riots, it’s insanely irresponsible for NPR (and their corp. media cohorts) to leave out so many facts and so much context. It’s not reporting, it’s DANGEROUS activism. 10/10
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