Me: Jews deserve human rights.


That’s not a legal human right. It doesn’t exist in law. It doesn’t make sense logically. It would result in a bunch of folks at war with Israel flooding Israel.

How is that same?
Imagine the implementation for a moment. Remember that 40% of Palestinians polled support killing Israeli civilians inside Israel. 75%+ say they dislike Jews.

Now shove them all in a small area, nearly doubling the population overnight, too. This is your idea of...peace?
It’s like people have not only decided Jews don’t get rights to self-determine, but that somehow destroying the only Jewish state will be a peaceful affair. It’s bonkers.
No, it is nothing like South Africa. There are tons of white-run states. White folks don’t have an actual national identity, either.
But sure, let’s take an analogy (based on polls), and take 5 million white people (75% of whom support the KKK and 40% of whom support outright murdering Black folks) and move them into predominantly Black neighborhoods and put them in charge. After 70+ years of war. Good luck.
I mean, not enough that even Palestinians and Israelis don’t want this, and it’s a solution advocated by foreigners from abroad with their usual savior complexes, because we know how good people are at dictating solutions from abroad 🙄
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