I'm trying to imagine slavery reformists:

"Maybe fewer slaves would be better?"
"We're working on community oriented slavery."
"When slaves don't meet their goals, we practice restorative justice instead of corporal punishment. The outcomes have been really heart warming."
"we do an exercise where you start on a line and you move forward or backwards depending on different things like if your master uses a whip or if you sleep in the main house. And it's really helped everyone understand that things can be hard for other slaves in different ways."
"I think you build a better environment when there's trust. But of course, trust has to be earned! So after two weeks of no escape attempts, we actually unshackle the slaves, so there's that exchange of trust. And if you look around, you can see we took down all the fences, too."
"I actually sat down with a slave and realized that when i ask how they are they always say positive things but I felt there was feedback they weren't giving me. I want to enable a sense that we're collaborating in this cotton production and feedback is an important part of that"
"We're not ready for abolition. I think people have been pushing too much, too fast. It's about incremental change."
"We don't stop enough to say what are the benefits, right? Because the discipline the experience builds is so valuable, not to mention the way it empowers small businesses."
"The truth is that people aren't being honest when they look at the alternatives. Because there just aren't any. So for me, I'm invested in really getting to know the people on my plantation and kind of building up and transforming from there."
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