i'm glad you brought this up, friend. you see, these things do not exist in a vacuum and there are these little things called "context" and "subtext"... in the context of a world that demeans Black women's natural features, it's trash because the subtext is https://twitter.com/DramaFreak83/status/1385643462226321408
... that you have to have traditionally european features to even be considered for inclusion in a superhero team in a long-running book
bringing this thread back to add some context:

by contrast with "she who shall not be named" from the x-books, monica rambeaux as captain marvel (who has more traditional Black features) was basically written out of continuity through most of the 90s...
... only returning very recently due to the popularity of the nextwave series and an influx of interest in "diverse" readership. she also had her identity changed several times before then and has been used mostly as an ensemble character in team books ever since
i don't think it's a coincidence that one character gets the marketing push and the other basically didn't get acknowledged for 10 years and you shouldn't either
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