A thread on specifically how I turned the last few thousand to my name into $50,000 last year:

BTW, I know that this isn’t even considered “impressive” in the crypto community.

But these were my first crypto investments EVER.

I’m proud as fuck.
I worked an internship for Amazon last summer.

I was able to save up a little but only had $4,500 to my name.
I had gone down a rabbit hole on YouTube regarding cryptocurrencies, and felt it seemed too good to be true.

I’d say to myself,

“Why in the world are these assets priced so low in comparison to the price predictions I’m seeing?”
Before I threw any bread into anything, I had to do my research.

Found a free course on blockchain for business, took it and learned about how this technology could change how businesses operate.

I was sold.
I essentially went all in. $4,200 into crypto, $300 in the bank account.

First invesment: Ethereum

Couple months later, that $4,200 was about $10k.

I felt I had some leverage I could utilize now that I am up over 100%.
I made a big bet on two crypto companies that had crashed after the Defi summer craze: @TrustSwap and @iearnfinance

Bought 10,000 at $0.27...
Sold at about $4.50.
I won’t ramble on but my takeaways are:

If you’re new to crypto, don’t trade frequently.

Find solid companies with reputable people calling the shots.

Don’t FOMO, just buy and hold and accept the volatility.
What I didn’t mention in this thread are the various L’s taken along the way.. Just about everyone has them on their way up.

Example. I got in on the NFT craze in February.

Bought the top. It happens. But I bought into projects I believe in. (One example being @eulerbeats )
You can follow @24__1176.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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