u guys wanna hear a really hot take. as a trans mlm i think that straight women who are really into fictional gay relationships need to be looked at on a case by case basis because what looks like fetishization is often overidentifying with a narrative from someone who doesn’t
yet realize that they’re actually transmasc and queer. the 13-year-old “””fuj*shi””” to queer transmasc pipeline is a real thing lol. when i thought i was a bi woman i felt super guilty and ashamed all the time for focusing so much on mlm relationships in fiction thinking that
it meant i was “fetishizing” them when actually i was identifying with them, relating to them, and seeing my own experience. think about how few narratives there are in popular culture about discovering one’s own identity as transmasc versus transfem, and then think about how ALL
the narratives that DO exist focus on straight trans men. this isn’t just me, there are a lot of bi/gay/pan/etc trans men who discovered their identity through gay fiction on the internet. and i’ve actually seen people say this, so: no, we’re not transitioning because we
fetishize gay relationships. i didn’t legally change my name and gender, i’m not going to go on testosterone because im a straight girl who wants to be a kawaii yaoi uke uwu. holy shit.

anyway yeah i guess what im trying to say here is there are absolutely
straight fuj*shi who fetishize mlm relationships and fuck them but just be careful who you bully on the internet because that girl with an anime boy pfp saying “i wish i was a gay man” might actually literally wish they were a man and just still be on the path to
discovering that. if that makes sense

if anyone actually reads this thread major props everyone on twitter is a lesbian or a bi girl so none of you have any reason to care about this LMAO
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