First interest in stocks: 7th Grade. I couldn't stand that there was this whole section of stats in the Lexington-Herald Sports Section I couldn't understand.

First step in learning: My grandfather and his father did some investing for retirement. I sought his knowledge...
...and He showed me what the numbers meant, and began showing me his collection of prospectuses. He told me of his father investing in Coke and GE in the 80s. He let me take information home to read. We conversed about his portfolio, risk/reward, and various mutual funds...
First Investment: My second job was working at a Wal-Mart. My name tag said "Cart-Pusher". They had a stock buying program, would match you up to $50 each paycheck. It added up fairly well.

First Active Investing: May 25, 2020. Was laid off from my primary employment...
...and Decided to chase something I'd wanted to do for a couple of decades. Carpe Diem, but better thought out.

Reason for being on Twitter: I never cared for Twitter. The limit on characters is really annoying (see current thread) for a rambler. I got on here to seek investors
. To find people to learn from, and virtually commune with. It has bled into other interests. Sports, music, authors, photographers. Twitter is great for interests.

It has become my journal. My watchlist. Most of my tweets are me talking to myself. Occasionally I'll post a...
...photograph I've taken; or Complain about some worldly razzmatazz...But this thing is primarily a tool for my exploring the universe of active-investing.

This thread is merely a disclaimer for anyone who's decided to follow me.
You can follow @TheRealMilowe.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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